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How long does bagasse products take to biodegrade ?

How long does bagasse products take to biodegrade ?

Bagasse Sugarcane products normally biodegrade within 90 days whereby plastics will take up to 400 years to degrade and styrofoam never degrades! The rate of decomposition depends on the composting conditions – the temperature, turnover rate, moistu

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Why use our products ?

Why use our products ?

Sugarcane is a tree-free renewable resource. Bagasse waste are often burned in the fields creating pollution when not in use. We use bagasse to manufacture eco friendly wall panel products replacing traditional paper, plastics and foam products. Bag

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Why Do We Use Bagasse

Why Do We Use Bagasse

In the past, sugarcane mills and factories would burn these pulp or bagasse because there are just so much of them all at once and they wouldn’t know what to do with them. Burning these bagasse produces CO2 and other harmful gasses that further poll

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